The Company
Expertise acquired
1987 till 1991
International Group of Trading Companies whose activities involves:
- International Trading of equipment and materials for civil construction and public works;
- Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Industrial Waste (IW), Hazardous Medical Waste (HMW);
- Energy - International Trading of Industrial coal.
- Market research and international trade of materials and equipment in Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Luxembourg =>USINE DE WECKER
- Design and manufacture of equipment for Palm oil Extraction plants.
1991 till 1998
Belgium => DE SMET GROUP
De Smet is the world specialist in oilseed and edible oil processing plants.
Extraction De Smet S.A. (Antwerp) center of the engineering group, in which were the 5 "Business Unit" of the Group.
- Extraction Division
- Palm Oil Division
- Refinery Division
- Fractionation division
- Automation Division
Belgium => Business Unit Manager at Extraction De Smet
Marketing and manufacturing of equipment for the palm oil extraction industry;
Technical and Commercial Training of the De Smet branches in:
- Colombia (workshop - responsible for manufacturing these equipments for South American market);
- Malaysia
- India
Main Tasks:
- Project management;
- Planning and procurement management;
- Projects in the area of the rendering and treatment of solids waste and sludge from slaughterhouses.
- Relevant markets: Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
July 1998
Portugal => Rodrigues & Belmans, Lda - Company foundation
Engineering office specialized in Industrial Projects, consulting and implementation of industrial projects in the sectors:
- Agro-food
- Chemicals
- Oleo chemicals & Biodiesel
- Renewable Energy ( bio fuels as biomass, biogas…)
- Waste Treatment and Energy recovery from solids and liquids wastes.
1998 til 2001
World Leader company in the field of oil seeds pressing and treatment of solid waste, with high pressure press.
Consultant for Desmet Rosedowns, where:
- Technical and Commercial Training.
- Implementation of special techniques in the production area and respective commercialization of the different mechanical extraction technologies, in the industry of edible oil and waste solids treatment, with low and high pressure screw presses;
- Project management;
- Relevant markets: Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
March 2011
Implementation of the Quality management system according to the NP EN 9001:2008
RODRIGUES & BELMANS is the exclusive representative office of the DESMET BALLESTRA GROUP for Portugal and several African countries.
We rely on all its commercial and technological worldwide support.
Our core business is mainly based in this partnership.
Activities developed in undertaken or in progress project:
- Business Management;
- Commercial Management;
- Consulting;
- Project Management;
- R&D of new technology application in the renewable energy area.
Presently RODRIGUES & BELMANS is the representative office of 14 foreign companies. With the Desmet Ballestra Group representation the number increases up to 20 companies.
We thank all who have trusted and trust in our know-how, in our experience ...
Our references speak for us!